2016 Annual Meeting & Education Event

April 9, 2016 @ 8:00 am – 5:30 pm America/Denver Timezone
Colorado Learning Center of Human Anatomy
503 Terry St
Longmont, CO 80501
$40 - $100
Shelly Cox
(719) 205-7933
Bob McAtee


Palpating the Nervous Cadaver: Upper Extremity
This course provides the opportunity to visualize the major nerve pathways of the upper extremity on a cadaver, under the expert guidance of two skilled anatomists at the Peak Research Institute, Bonnie Thompson and Beverly Boyer. Additionally, the course will review the relevant anatomy (including common nerve entrapment sites), review basic neural assessment tests, and provide palpatory practice to locate the nerve pathways on each other.  It is 4 hours and 75% of the class time is hands-on. At this class, you will be viewing and possibly touching the cadaver. Tables are not needed, but please dress comfortably to expose the arm and shoulder for palpation.
This is a NCBTMB approved class. This is a 4-hour class and repeats in the afternoon.
Michael Lehrer


Skin Cancer Education
Skin Cancer Education is a course designed by the Harvard School of Public Health and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It is designed to provide education regarding the most common and most deadly forms of skin cancer. Also covers the role massage therapists have in early diagnosis and treatment.
This is NOT a NCBTMB approved class. This is a 1-hour class and repeats in the afternoon.
Nancy Graves
Aromatherapy: More than Just Smelling Good
Aromatherapy is rapidly moving into various avenues of healthcare. Its ease of use, complementary
applications, and solid research make it the perfect adjunct for massage therapists.
Learn how to enhance your practice by using essential oils safely and effectively.
Learner outcomes:
• Understand the basics of aromatherapy
• Understand and be able to explain quality and label terminology
• Understand basically how essential oils work in the body
• Identify supportive scientific research and where to find more
• Understand and utilize basic essential oil safety practices
• Incorporate basic applications into practice
• Understand and safely utilize seven essential oils
• Understand the value of and be able to utilize various carrier oils to enhance practice
This is NOT a NCBTMB approved class. This is a 2.5-hour class and repeats in the afternoon.